Overwatch Tier List: The Top Heroes To Use In 2021

29 Jun 2021 by RoderickiHowell

Overwatch remains among the most popular competitive games available, even after nearly five years on the market. While a lot of eyes are focused on the progress of Overwatch 2, it’s become evident that we won’t be getting our hands on it this year.

In the meantime players have to live with what the game currently offers. Thankfully, Overwatch is in good state currently. Although the game hasn’t featured a new hero since the launch of Echo in April last year, frequent balance adjustments keep the game fresh. The meta is also one of the most intriguing and intriguing, with numerous deadly heroes to choose from.

But, which are thriving? Who should you play should you wish to get into Overwatch ranking and earn SR? If you’re a novice or an old player, there’s plenty to brush up on and a lot of information to decipher. Thankfully, we have you covered there and you’ll fly up the ranks in no time. This is our Overwatch Tier List in all its detail. Below is the details of the most played heroes on overwatch. In case where you plan for an article source on Overwatch April Fools’ Day Game Mode, look at more info.

The Most Played Overwatch Heroes

Tier 1

Wrecking ball

Wrecking Ball has been a force for the last few months. While many main tanks are having trouble at the moment, Overwatch seems to have discovered how to dominate with the mouse. He is the hero of the current meta.

It’s not difficult to understand why he’s Grandmaster rank’s top-rated. Hammond is undisputedly the commander in tanks’ work of creating space. In his capacity to destroy and disrupt the enemy’s front line and backline, Hammond is the undisputed leader. Even with the recent nerf to his boop strength, he causes havoc on teams trying to establish their place.

The only issue is that he’s one of those characters who gets better over time. He thrives on map-related knowledge and specific rollouts. It can be difficult to discern the difference between feeding your brain a meal and dismantling a team. If you can learn your way around the tiny man, there are very few, if any, characters that are as powerful as he is today.


Zarya is currently the most played overwatch heroes. Zarya is the current off-tank choice for high-level play. Wrecking ball is an effective partner in her efforts. She can make Winston/Zarya bubble as the latter enters, and receive a free money, while protecting the advance from the crowd’s control.


Overwatch is often in a favorable position when Tracer is a strong meta. As you can see, right now, Overwatch is in a good spot. Tracer’s cooldowns increase so often that in a game that has many capabilities this is a huge amount of trouble to be. She is able to turn deadly quickly in the event that she fails to make use of the ability, or makes mistakes in a position.


McCree is the ideal partner for Tracer for DPS. McCree is the ideal companion for Tracer on DPS.


Zenyatta is in a strong position for many reasons. Zenyatta’s Discord Orb is always oppressive because of the power of the characters around Zenyatta. Zen can easily call shots by placing a discord on the target. It’s a green light for the mobile heroes to dive and decimate a key adversary.


Mercy is the most popular Zenyatta’s partner at the moment however the primary support role is shared much more evenly among characters.

Mercy is the clear winner right now, for two reasons. Although she may not have the same healing abilities like other supporters, she is consistent and hard to determine. She is less receptive to being dived than other supports. She can be a target for Wrecking Balls and Tracers due to her ability to fly away from attacks.



Reinhardt has seen an increase in the rate of picks in recent times. Although Reinhardt’s slower play might seem counterintuitive to the speed of a Wrecking ball but he’s also capable of providing good counterplay. Wrecking Ball recently saw an increase of 25% to his knockback. Reinhardt’s passive Steadfast ability already grants him a 30% reduction to this effect. This means that the hamster will be likely to have difficulty moving around.

While a team of divers that is coordinated may be superior, Reinhardt is easy to be around, especially in the case of vigorous diving. While it’s too still early to put Reinhardt to the top, within the next few months Reinhardt might dismantle Ball’s hold over the meta.


Tier 2 is generally not the best place to play Sigma. Due to his extensive kit, the tank has been so popular that it is not a popular choice in the majority of compositions. This is after a number of massive changes aimed at reducing the amount of utility the tank has.

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